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Connecticut Personal Injury Lawyers

Accidents are a part of life, and a huge number of Americans suffer from preventable injuries every year. While many incidents result in simple bumps and bruises, it is not at all uncommon for dangerous or reckless behavior on the part of another individual or business to cause a serious injury which requires significant and expensive medical treatment along with other major complications.


Personal injury law concerns all manner of injuries which occur in such a manner, all of which are generally referred to as ‘torts'. With the assistance of a skilled attorney, it is often possible to obtain compensation in a civil lawsuit from the party responsible for the injury by demonstrating that the defendant owed the victim a duty of care, breached that duty, and that breach resulted in injury.

General Information

In addition to the immediate medical expenses associated with the treatment of such injuries, various other hidden costs can come along with an injury. Recovery time often means time spent away from work, and long-term complications can result in ongoing expenses far in excess of the victim's immediately medical bills.

Click Below To Download The FAQs:

  1. Frequently Asked Questions About Personal Injury Claims
  2. How Adjusters Reduce Your Settlement?
  3. 11 Factors That Affect The Value Of Your Personal Injury Case
  4. Critical Evaluation Factors For 17 Types Of Injury Cases

Contact Us

Recovering from a serious accident is never a simple process, but with the assistance of the skilled legal team at the Connecticut Injury Firm, LLC. you will have access to experienced and effective legal support. Contact us today at 860.322.5302 to learn more about what we are prepared to do for you.

Where We Serve

Statewide practice serving all counties throughout Connecticut and the following cities: Hartford, Bridgeport, New Haven, Stamford, Waterbury, Norwalk, Danbury, New Britain, Bristol, Meriden, Milford, West Haven, Middletown, Norwich, Shelton, Torrington, New London, Ansonia, Derby, Groton and Winsted.
