Machinski v Newspaper Co.
A worker slipped on ice while delivering newspapers. She eventually underwent back surgery and did not return to that sort of work given some residual issues from the surgery and fear of falling again as delivery often occured during inclement weather. Despite the struggle of living week to week on workers compensation benefits and falling behind on rent more than once a settlement was achieved in the amount of $182,000. Worker was able to secure more permanent housing and gain a degree of financial security while transitioning to another type of employment. Hartford (2010).
“I only met Paul once and from that day on, he has helped me with money, my van and my case with workman's compensation. I was waiting for a back operation for almost a year now, Paul went to a hearing on my behalf and now the surgery is approved. Thanks to Paul Levin I can get back on with my life.”
J. Macinski
Barry Johnson vs. Stair Builders LLC – This Injured worker was allowed to operate a bandsaw which the Employer had removed the factory installed guard in order to speed up the work process. Mr. Johnson suffered a partial amputation of several fingers on his dominant hand. Despite the workers compensation exlusivity bar which makes it extremely difficult to sue one's own employer we did just that. Settlement with both his employer and the workers compensation carrier totalled $480,000.( 2007, Rockville Superior Court).
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