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Verdicts and Settlements

Alfred Doe v. Trucking Transportation Service co. (2019) - $185,000

This type of case repeats itself along Connecticut's Highways frequently given its status as a throughway for transportation of goods destined for delivery in the northeast corridor. As Al stopped his vehicle for morning construction zone traffic, a Transportation Services freightliner tractor trailer rear-ended his vehicle vehicle at an estimated speed of 40-45 MPH, forcing him into the cement median barrier. As a result of the 18-wheeler's negligence and carelessness, neck, shoulder, and arm injuries were sustained. . This accident occurred on 1-95 S in the town of Old Lyme, Connecticut near exit 70 and was witnessed by a Connecticut State Trooper traveling behind the Defendant. Defendant was ticketed for following too closely for road conditions and having an expired registration. Client was taken by ambulance to Middlesex Hospital, referred to an orthopedic surgeon, endured arthroscopic right shoulder rotator cuff repair which had been torn previously and now had to be repaired once again. Fortunately, Al had good health insurance and was able to get back to running his business full time following his rehab from surgery. However, through discovery efforts and deposition testimony, we learned that the truck driver has received multiple moving violations since 2007 and had been disciplined by his employer following our accident for the traffic ticket.. Upon mediation, the case settled 4 months before trial for $185,000 . (Hartford Superior Court, 2019).

Disclaimer: Please be advised that results obtained in other cases are not meant to imply that you will have a similar outcome should you retain our services. The information is rather presented to help you make an informed decision about the experience level of our Law Firm.

Where We Serve

Statewide practice serving all counties throughout Connecticut and the following cities: Hartford, Bridgeport, New Haven, Stamford, Waterbury, Norwalk, Danbury, New Britain, Bristol, Meriden, Milford, West Haven, Middletown, Norwich, Shelton, Torrington, New London, Ansonia, Derby, Groton and Winsted.
