Started as interns, Now Where To?
When we look at the things we're grateful for at our firm, we start with the wonderful people we have the pleasure of working with. A couple of months ago, we got to introduce Larry in the newsletter and explain how excited we are to have his contributions to the firm. Last month, Sonya highlighted her passion for serving others while wearing many hats within the firm. This month, we want to show our appreciation for everyone at the firm, and there's no better way to ... CONTINUE READING
The Most Underrated Thanksgiving Foods
When you think of Thanksgiving food, the first dishes that pop into your mind are probably turkey, mashed potatoes, and green bean casserole. They're a part of nearly every Thanksgiving meal. And while these delicious foods are something you don't want to skip, there are dishes your table is sorely missing — dishes that ... CONTINUE READING
A Historic Veterans Day
This year, Veterans Day takes on particular historic significance: Nov. 11, 2018, marks the 100th anniversary of the armistice that ended the First World War. Countries around the world will commemorate the signing of this peace agreement with moments of ... CONTINUE READING
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